by Michele Neylon | Jul 5, 2019
You are what you stream. Visit to check out how Spotify understands people through music and uses streaming intelligence to connect brands with the right people, in the right moment.
by Stephen Marron | Jul 5, 2019
The Rest is a beautiful space to learn and be inspired in, with workshops to give you the tools you need and grow.
by Stephen Marron | Jul 5, 2019
Laura, an Irish home-based freelance digital marketeer and writer. Mum to eleven-year-old Chloe, six-year-old Sean and 22 month old Cian, together with her husband she live by the sea in the North East of Ireland.
by Stephen Marron | Jul 5, 2019
Morgan Smith is an Interaction designer based in Dublin, Ireland with a Masters in Interaction Design, NCAD. He designs for all things web.
by Michele Neylon | Jul 5, 2019
Way back in 2015, PayPal made a huge leap in personalizing their service and put the customer at the center of their brand by creating PayPal.ME, a service that generates personalized URLs which customers can use to get paid in one of the simplest and friendliest...
by Stephen Marron | Jul 5, 2019
Marco Rodrigues is a digital product designer and design lead with over 12 years of experience working with product, user experience and interaction design.